The core team
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is responsible for the scientific quality of the
contributions to the conference, including reviewing of documents, chairing sessions and
inviting topical contributions. It is now formed by:
Frits Agterberg (Canada),
Leila Aliouane (Algeria),
Sandra Birtel (Germany),
Gerald van den Boogaart (Germany),
Melanie Brandmeier (Germany),
Antonella Buccianti (Italy),
Jef Caers (USA),
Guillaume Caumon (France),
Qiuming Cheng (Canada, China),
Vasily Demyanov (UK),
Istvan Dunkl (Germany),
Juan Jose Egozcue (Spain),
Michael Eiermann (Germany),
Hilmar von Eynatten (Germany),
Andrea Fabbri (Italy),
Liu Gang (China),
Richard Gloaguen (Germany),
Jaime Gomez-Hernandez (Spain),
Eric Grunsky (Canada),
Carolina Guardiola-Albert (Spain),
Jens Gutzmer (Germany),
Jan Harff (Poland),
June Hill (Australia),
Karel Hron (Czech Republic),
Peter Jupp (UK),
Joachim Krause (Germany),
Josep-Antoni Martin-Fernandez (Spain),
Jennifer McKinley (UK),
Arman Melkumyan (Australia),
Ute Mueller (Australia),
Ricardo Olea (USA),
Sid-Ali Ouadfeul (Algeria),
Eulogio Pardo-Iguzquiza (Spain),
Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn (Spain),
Eric Pirard (Belgium),
Axel Renno (Germany),
Thomas Romary (France),
Alastair Ruffell (UK),
B.S.Daya Sagar (India),
Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla (Spain),
Helmut Schaeben (Germany),
Jack Schunemeier (USA),
Donald Singer (USA),
Klaus Spitzer (Germany),
Hans-Joerg Starkloff (Germany),
Dan Tetzlaff (USA),
Gerhard Woerner (Germany),
and growing.
Strategic Committee
The strategic committee is responsible for the scope and orientation of the
conference at an early stage. Its responsibilities include the selection of relevant topics, sessions, and
short courses and to invite others to join the
scientific committee. It is formed by: Frits Agterberg (NRCAN),
Graeme Bonham-Carter (NRCAN), K. Gerald van den Boogaart (Helmholtz
Institut Freiberg for Resource Technology), Jef Caers (Stanford U.),
John Carranza (James Cook U.), Guillaume Caumon (U. Lorraine), Yongqing
Chen (China U. Geosci. Beijing), Qiuming Cheng (York U.), David Collins
(IAMG treasurer),Roussos Dimitrakopoulos (McGill U.), Liu Gang (China
U. Geosci. Wuhan), June Hill (CSIRO), Jennifer McKinley (Queens U.
Belfast), Ricardo Olea (USGS), Julián Ortiz (U. Chile), Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn
(U. Girona), Helmut Schaeben (TU. Bergakademie Freiberg), Christien
Thiart (U. Cape Town), and Raimon Tolosana-Delgado (Helmholtz Institut
Freiberg for Resource Technology).
Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
- Regina van den Boogaart, IAMG Office, head of the LOC
- Helmut Schaeben, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- K. Gerald van den Boogaart, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource
Technology and TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Raimon Tolosana-Delgado, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource
Technology and IAMG Vice President
- Stephan Matos Camacho, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource
- Ines Goerz, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
- Silke Konsulke, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource
- (... and more people will join soon)
Student Award Committee
The Student Award Committee is responsible for selecting the winners of
Student poster contest and the Student presentation contest, honoring excellent
contributions to the conference by PhD and MSc students in both formats.
- The composition of this committee will be announced shortly before the conference